The defining features of Judzit are community and collaboration,
committed to the art of judging and the added value it produces.
Judzit is dedicated to in-depth social interaction, community formation,
and the tackling of collaborative projects. Judzit connects you with
communities of interest where you can join with others wishing to
positively impact and change the world
Build a reputation in your community of interest and earn esteem,
not simply by your celebrity, but earning it through the quality of
your mentoring and judging insights and actionable suggestions you
contribute to your community(ies) of interest.
Members create and manage communities of interest according to
their needs, along with neighborhoods of practice, in an organic
process of growth that is data mapped; providing members a means
of visualizing their place in the network, as well as their social impact

Judging adds Value
"Judging is the joint product of all the brains
faculties operating coherently"
Paraphrasing Kant
Insights offered by mentors as expert judges improve content, while ratings by
the crowd test the contents ultimate value. Judging is not limited just to media
content, but content in a broader sense as it defines the world around us; from
sustainable business methods to inventions and innovations of all sorts.
The results of this judging activity are a wealth of vetted knowledge, which can
be archived and searchable for members to enhance, endorse, and share

Judzit Shares Revenue with Members
Judzit recognizes that our members create value and should be rewarded
for their efforts.
Earn social impact in the community by the quality of the content you share,
as well as the value of your judging or rating activity.
Your social impact can translate into ZitCoins deposited in your member
account, based in a large part on how effective you are at community building and how open you are to data collection and
sharing of your content
*ZitCoin is the currency of the Judzit province, an obvious parody of BitCoin.