
 * Introduction
 * Installation


Current maintainer: Brandon Bergren <>

Location module and its associated API allows Drupal objects, including nodes
and users, to be associated with specific physical locations.

This package consists of several modules, including:
- Location (required): Base module that provides a standard API and storage for
  location data.
- Location Add Another: Quickly add additional locations directly from a node.
- Location Fax: Add a fax number to a location.
- Location Phone: Add a phone number to a location.
- Location Search: A custom search page for locations.

For Drupal 6, Views support has been rolled directly into the base Location module.


1. Copy the files to your sites/SITENAME/modules directory.

2. Enable the Location module and any desired optional modules at Administer >>
   Site building >> Modules (admin/build/modules).

3. Set user permissions for Location module at Administer >> User management >>
   Access control (admin/user/access).

4. Configure Location module's settings at Administer >> Site configuration >>
   Location (admin/settings/location). Here, you may configure settings related
   to how Location fields are displayed, how location data is gathered, what
   geocoding service is used to translate addresses to longitude and latitude
   points, and which mapping service should display them.

5. If you wish to collect location data about content, go to Administer >>
   Content management >> Content types and click "edit" on the given type, such
   as "Event". In the Locative information fieldset, expand and set your
   options accordingly.

6. (Optional) Import a postal codes database for the countries served by your
   website, to support proximity searches and other useful features. Postal
   code databases may be found in the "databases/" sub-directory of the
   Location module directory. The files are in the format of zipcodes.CC.mysql,
   where CC is a two-letter country code such as 'us' or 'de'.

   Note: If your site is using table prefixes, you will need to adjust for this
   manually, by opening the file in a text editor and replacing 'zipcodes' with
   'prefix_zipcodes' throughout.

   To import the files from the command line, enter the following:

     cd sites/SITENAME/modules/location
     mysql -u username -p database-name < database/


1. Node locations and CCK locations cannot safely be used on the same content types.
   You can use both on one site but they must be used on different content types.
   To turn node locations off for a particular content type edit the content type
   and set the max number of locations to zero.
   The problem is that node locations can interfere with the saving of cck locations
   and you can end up losing your cck locations.
   For more information see this issue -