;$Id: README.txt,v 1.5 2010/12/20 01:16:46 realityloop Exp $ -- SUMMARY -- Uniform allows you to select pre-packaged themes and apply them to form elements on your site. This module depends on third-party jQuery library, most often based on JavaScript. For a full description visit the project page: http://drupal.org/project/uniform Bug reports, feature suggestions and latest developments: http://drupal.org/project/issues/uniform -- REQUIREMENTS -- * Libraries API http://drupal.org/project/libraries * jquery.uniform library v1.7.5 by Pixelmatrix Design http://github.com/pixelmatrix/uniform/archives/master -- INSTALLATION -- * Install as usual, see http://drupal.org/node/70151 for further information * Download jquery.uniform library to /sites/all/libraries/uniform * You should have the following direcotry structure /sites/all/libraries/uniform/jquery.uniform.js * Proceed to Configuration -- ADDING UNIFORM THEMES -- * Themes are downloadable from http://pixelmatrixdesign.com/uniform/#themes * NOTE. The structure of the supplied archives will not work out of the box * extract the .css file into /libraries/uniform/css * extract the image file/s into /libraries/uniform/images -- CONFIGURATION -- * Go to Administer > Site configuration > Uniform - Select Theme to apply - Select which form element types you want themed - Save config -- CONTACT -- Current maintainers: * Brian Gilbert (realityloop) - http://drupal.org/user/139189 This project has been sponsored by: * Realityloop Pty Ltd Specializing in consulting and planning of Drupal powered sites, Realityloop offers installation, development, theming, customization, and hosting to get you started. Visit http://www.realityloop.com for more information.